I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with family and friends. My day was just a regular proselyting day with no celebration but that is okay because I have the rest of my life to celebrate :P
This last week was pretty good. I will share a few highlights or events that happened this week in the Ghana Cape Coast mission. First off, the work is slowing down a little because many people are not around. I think it might have to due with the elections that will be happening next week. Due to the elections next Wednesday we moved our transfer day to Tuesday. And Wednesday we will not be out all day and maybe not at all if it is not safe.
On Monday we had a great Family home evening with the family of Brother Francis, their last name has escaped my brain. Usually we say Brother or Sister and their first name since thats how they introduce themselves to us. Elder Wilhelm shared a lesson about 1 Nephi 16. As I have been thinking about the events in 1 Nephi there are deeper meanings to the stories there and in the rest of The Book Of Mormon. On Tuesday we had a zone meeting which was long as usual but still really good. Then had our ward correlation meeting with the ward mission leader, the 2nd counselor to the Bishop, and the other set of Elders in the ward. The ward mission leader Vincent was also my first WML in my first area (do not know if I mentioned that).
Wednesday we met with our investigator that will be baptized this Saturday, Frieda. We had the chance to talk about "Temples". It was a great lesson and her husband attended the lesson with us. He is not a member and is a muslim but is coming along step by step. Was a slow day so we did not meet with anyone else but attended the mid week activity at the chapel later that evening. We watched a church video about tithing. Thursday we walked and walked and walked and waaaallked. Hard day mentally for me but I made it through.
Friday was a long but also short day. We had to meet the missionaries training and their companions at the station at 8 am to send them to Cape. Of course most of them were late then the sisters came walking up at 9:30 haha. After that we started proselyting and talking to person after person. My companion was not feeling good that day so we went back to the apartment by 5 so he could rest.
We have been also meeting with the less actives in our ward. They are many but slowly we will start meeting with them to help them. One we are meeting with right now is Sandra. She is a cool person but is stubborn to come to church. She has some things she recently did so she feels shy to come to church. A chapter that we read with her and talked about is Alma 36. I love those verses. No matter what we have done we will always be forgiven. We will feel the pain of it, yes, but it will be taken away because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. All He asks is that we come to him. I grow each day to love this gospel more and more. I do my best to learn more about the Atonement.
The time is ticking and I still have a lot I want to learn but we will see what the Heavens have in store for me in these last months :) Elder Johnson
My 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Ghana Cape Coast
Elder and Kids
![Elder and Kids](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjThO8hB6xivhGAN0l8NCXTGo0xdgwxc-1V5IWpEeh0hdawWkJmzjbXiKFirNVetGBcEqizpKNEfO_biJDLm3wPgUnY10qn59m6CZRVR-Z9J5BnYB4cKlJJ9dQWOY0Su6tAa2w0BP7MhN0/s780/994e63c3-08c1-461a-a063-7414d61a8f40.jpg)
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Tired of Sitting in Taxis and Tros
Hello friends and family!
There is one main problem I have with writing group emails and that is I never know how to properly start it. #shouldhavepaidattentioninenglishclass
This last week was really busy as usual and I am really tired of sitting in taxis and tros traveling around. FACT: You can not really lean back in the chairs in a tro or taxi because it is dirty and with sweat mixed in your white shirt gets ruined. Tuesday started off really good with a nice breakfast and personal study but then changed when the time turned to 9. The sisters in our zone called us and told us one of them is sick and they need to go to the hospital. So we traveled in a taxi to their apartment to get them then take them to the hospital. After taking them back we arrived 1.5 hour late for district meeting haha. No later then 10 minutes after we got to the church we got another call from one of the district leaders telling us there is a different sister missionary not doing well so back to the hospital. After that was all through we were doing an assignment the stake president gave to us so back into a tro we went. We traveled 20 minutes to some Elder's areas to check some things then after that 30 more minutes to some other Elders. By the time our visits were done it was 6:30pm. To end the night we had a nice meeting with our ward mission leader (taking place of.. actually the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric... powerful convert). FACT: My first ward mission leader, Vincent Moore, from Sekondi ward is now in my ward here in Takoradi and was just called as the ward mission leader again in this ward haha.
There is one main problem I have with writing group emails and that is I never know how to properly start it. #shouldhavepaidattentioninenglishclass
Brother Johnson and Elder Johnson. (Brother Johnson was baptized by Elder Garth Wright who spent time with Chandler before he went to Ghana and who is now in our ward. |
This last week was really busy as usual and I am really tired of sitting in taxis and tros traveling around. FACT: You can not really lean back in the chairs in a tro or taxi because it is dirty and with sweat mixed in your white shirt gets ruined. Tuesday started off really good with a nice breakfast and personal study but then changed when the time turned to 9. The sisters in our zone called us and told us one of them is sick and they need to go to the hospital. So we traveled in a taxi to their apartment to get them then take them to the hospital. After taking them back we arrived 1.5 hour late for district meeting haha. No later then 10 minutes after we got to the church we got another call from one of the district leaders telling us there is a different sister missionary not doing well so back to the hospital. After that was all through we were doing an assignment the stake president gave to us so back into a tro we went. We traveled 20 minutes to some Elder's areas to check some things then after that 30 more minutes to some other Elders. By the time our visits were done it was 6:30pm. To end the night we had a nice meeting with our ward mission leader (taking place of.. actually the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric... powerful convert). FACT: My first ward mission leader, Vincent Moore, from Sekondi ward is now in my ward here in Takoradi and was just called as the ward mission leader again in this ward haha.
Wednesday was more traveling. We went to the Mission Leadership counsel in Cape Coast. It was a long meeting but also really nice. We talked about zone activities and technology things.
Thursday Elder Tugume and I had our weekly planning session. It is really nice to have a companionship inventory at the end, talk about our strengths and things that can help each of us improve. We had some hours in the area then at 6 we did an exchange. I went with Elder Fryar to his area and his companion came to be with Elder Tugume. Elder Fryar and I had a powerful lesson with his recent convert on the Book of Mormon. It was a really spritual lesson and was a good way to end the day. I loved spending time with Elder Fryar on Friday. He gave me some new ideas on things I can do when I read the Book of Mormon. First just have to finish the New testament..! In Galatians now.
Saturday was a busy day as well. We had a baptismal interview to do and also found a couple new investigators. In the evening Elder Tugume and I held a Leader meeting for the district leaders and the sister training leaders. We spoke of things we are concerned about and things happening in the zone. Was a really productive meeting. Sunday Elder Tugume and i went to visit the East Tanokrom ward after our ward. Then had a district choir practice because we have a musical number to sing tomorrow at zone conference.
Sorry if these emails are boring but it is all I got :)
Omni 1:26
And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
-- Elder Johnson
ps: Elder Zohner said HI
Thursday Elder Tugume and I had our weekly planning session. It is really nice to have a companionship inventory at the end, talk about our strengths and things that can help each of us improve. We had some hours in the area then at 6 we did an exchange. I went with Elder Fryar to his area and his companion came to be with Elder Tugume. Elder Fryar and I had a powerful lesson with his recent convert on the Book of Mormon. It was a really spritual lesson and was a good way to end the day. I loved spending time with Elder Fryar on Friday. He gave me some new ideas on things I can do when I read the Book of Mormon. First just have to finish the New testament..! In Galatians now.
Saturday was a busy day as well. We had a baptismal interview to do and also found a couple new investigators. In the evening Elder Tugume and I held a Leader meeting for the district leaders and the sister training leaders. We spoke of things we are concerned about and things happening in the zone. Was a really productive meeting. Sunday Elder Tugume and i went to visit the East Tanokrom ward after our ward. Then had a district choir practice because we have a musical number to sing tomorrow at zone conference.
Sorry if these emails are boring but it is all I got :)
Omni 1:26
And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
-- Elder Johnson
ps: Elder Zohner said HI
Monday, November 7, 2016
A Mission Is A Priceless 2 Years of Someone's Life
Hello once again!
This week was pretty busy but not as busy as this coming week is going to be for Elder Tugume and I! We did have a great amount of success this week which I am very happy about. Great weeks fuel you for weeks that do not go over that well.
On Monday we had a Family Home Evening with Brother Francis and his family. He is the Second Counselor in the Bishopric and is a very powerful man. For the Family Home Evening we watched 2 of the latest general conference talks. Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk in priesthood session and Elder LeGrand Curtis talk. I loved watching the talks over again. After we watched both of them we had a nice discussion about both.
Tuesday we had a combined district meeting (3 districts in the zone) and Elder Tugume and I instructed on how to better work with members. It was weird to instruct a meeting with another person because I am use to doing it myself. But at the same time we teach side by side everyday. After the meeting the Sister missionaries informed me that each new zone leader buys the sister missionaries lunch (taste of sisters here). Elder Tugume said he did so I said ok. Good thing meals here cost $2 or less haha. After we went out to teach and one is named Frieda. We extended a baptismal date to her for November 27th so we hope that she can prepare for that day!
Wednesday was a sweet day as well! Elder Tugume and I were able to teach a new investigator. She is the daughter of one of the recent converts in the ward. And in the evening we met Ian at the stake center to teach him. He can only meet us Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon due to work. Our lesson with him was at 8pm and the stake president joined us for the lesson.
Thursday weekly planning..... bleh. Really hard 3 hours of my life because it is so boring but so necessary to plan for the week. On top of talking about the area we also plan things for the zone. Lets just so so many exchanges coming up..... blehhhhh once again. Thursday evening we went to one of the families in the Chapel hill ward with those Elders as well as the other companionship in our ward. Holy mound of rice.... I know I will never go hungry while serving in this area. Thursday evening started the exchange with Elder Zohner to be with him in the Chapel Hill area.
Friday I was with Elder Zohner in his area. His area is a really sweet place mainly because the smoothie shop he took me too... ever since Friday I have been craving a smoothie again. Later in the day Elder Tugume and I attended the Chapel Hill PEC - sent on an assignment by the stake president. Became aware of some boundary things happening. CHURCH POLICY PEOPLE. *Rant over
The rest of the week went well. Kind of tired of writing things that happened over the week haha. Saturday I was way over fed all day... good thing I workout in the mornings. Then Sunday in the evening same thing. I am grateful for each moment I get to spend out here in Ghana. All that I am learning I can not write now or ever say without talking for a week.
This week was pretty busy but not as busy as this coming week is going to be for Elder Tugume and I! We did have a great amount of success this week which I am very happy about. Great weeks fuel you for weeks that do not go over that well.
On Monday we had a Family Home Evening with Brother Francis and his family. He is the Second Counselor in the Bishopric and is a very powerful man. For the Family Home Evening we watched 2 of the latest general conference talks. Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk in priesthood session and Elder LeGrand Curtis talk. I loved watching the talks over again. After we watched both of them we had a nice discussion about both.
Tuesday we had a combined district meeting (3 districts in the zone) and Elder Tugume and I instructed on how to better work with members. It was weird to instruct a meeting with another person because I am use to doing it myself. But at the same time we teach side by side everyday. After the meeting the Sister missionaries informed me that each new zone leader buys the sister missionaries lunch (taste of sisters here). Elder Tugume said he did so I said ok. Good thing meals here cost $2 or less haha. After we went out to teach and one is named Frieda. We extended a baptismal date to her for November 27th so we hope that she can prepare for that day!
Wednesday was a sweet day as well! Elder Tugume and I were able to teach a new investigator. She is the daughter of one of the recent converts in the ward. And in the evening we met Ian at the stake center to teach him. He can only meet us Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon due to work. Our lesson with him was at 8pm and the stake president joined us for the lesson.
Thursday weekly planning..... bleh. Really hard 3 hours of my life because it is so boring but so necessary to plan for the week. On top of talking about the area we also plan things for the zone. Lets just so so many exchanges coming up..... blehhhhh once again. Thursday evening we went to one of the families in the Chapel hill ward with those Elders as well as the other companionship in our ward. Holy mound of rice.... I know I will never go hungry while serving in this area. Thursday evening started the exchange with Elder Zohner to be with him in the Chapel Hill area.
Friday I was with Elder Zohner in his area. His area is a really sweet place mainly because the smoothie shop he took me too... ever since Friday I have been craving a smoothie again. Later in the day Elder Tugume and I attended the Chapel Hill PEC - sent on an assignment by the stake president. Became aware of some boundary things happening. CHURCH POLICY PEOPLE. *Rant over
The rest of the week went well. Kind of tired of writing things that happened over the week haha. Saturday I was way over fed all day... good thing I workout in the mornings. Then Sunday in the evening same thing. I am grateful for each moment I get to spend out here in Ghana. All that I am learning I can not write now or ever say without talking for a week.
Mission is a priceless 2 years of someone's life and I am sad for the young men now that are choosing to miss out on this crazy hard but great time of their life. So much that I need to accomplish with the remaining months.
Be worthy
Be ready
-- Elder Johnson
Be worthy
Be ready
-- Elder Johnson
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